Begin Budokon Yoga with Malcolm Nair
January 28, 2021
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February 9, 2021As an avid runner and a dedicated yogi, I’ve noticed great similarities between the 2 different disciplines that I never expected. Both practices allow me to focus on my breath, connect to my body and escape the world for a bit. But, a with everything else in life, there is a push and pull. When I gain strength from running, I lose flexibility in my legs and become tight in my hips.
I’ve learnt to balance the tow disciplines. Yoga has improved my running and running has improved my yoga. Join me for a 2 hour workshop where we’ll explore yoga for runners – how to structure your yoga practice to compliment and improve your running.
Come and join me for a 2 hour workshop and improve your stride.
Where: Earth Yoga Studio and Online
Date: 20 February 2021
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Fee: R300
Please Book: https://bookamat.co/embed/schedule/earth-yoga-studio/book/250309