Birthday Yoga Event
May 23, 2016
Yoga Block Party with Galen Salgado
June 23, 2016Are you ready for change?
Do you want to live a more awake, happy and connected life?
This course is so much more than just a yoga teacher training! Become empowered to live an extraordinary life!
We will provide you with the tools and knowledge to deepen your practice, understanding of yoga, heal your body and share this knowledge confidently with others.
The training is designed to fit around your busy life, so you can still work; live life and complete the course successfully!
Yoga Teacher Training will start on Saturday 25 February 2017. You will be required to attend 80 hours of yoga classes at Earth Yoga Studio. The remaining hours will consist of book reports, lectures and discussions, self study and assignments. Lectures and discussions will take place on Saturdays and Sundays.
Yoga Teacher Training includes:
- Teaching Methodology including Business of Yoga
- Yoga Anatomy: Fundamentals with Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews
- Yoga philosophy, lifestyle and ethics
- Many practical teaching hours in a ‘lab’ environment. Learn the skills to teach confidently.
- 80 Classes at Earth Yoga Studio
- Course material
A regular yoga practice at Earth Yoga Studio is preferred.
Book Reports must be submitted before the course starts:
Read the first three books in the reading list prior to the training and write your response on:
- your personal impression of each
- the most valuable component for you
- an elaboration on how this material could be useful for a yoga teacher.
Reading list:
- Jivamukti Yoga, by Sharon Gannon and David Life
- The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice, by T. K. V. Desikachar
- Loving What Is, by Byron Katie (audio book)
- Yoga Anatomy, by Leslie Kaminoff (No book report required although you have to buy the book as we will work through it during the Anatomy module)
*These books are not included in the training fees and must be ordered from Amazon or book stores. If you cannot get hold of these books or if you cannot afford to buy them, you can borrow these from Earth Yoga Studio.
1. Techniques, Training and Practice: 100 hours
Yoga Asana, meditation, pranayama, chanting, mantra. This includes analytical training on how to teach these techniques, as well as guided practice of the techniques themselves. Includes Surya Namaskara A, B and other vinyasa styles of yoga, as well as Standing poses, Balancing Poses, Forward Folds, Backbends, Twists, Hip Openers, Seated Poses, Inversions, Savasana
2. Teaching Methodology – 35 hours
- Teach pregnancy yoga modifications
- Business of Yoga
- Qualities of a yoga teacher
- Use of language and voice
- Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting, including adjustments
3. Anatomy and Physiology – 40 hours
- Basics of skeletal, muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular anatomy, injury and recovery.
- Esoteric anatomy including chakras, nadis, prana, and bandha.
Included in the training; Study with Experts in the Field!
For the anatomy component of your training, we’re partnering with world-renowned Yoga Educators & best-selling authors of Yoga Anatomy, Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews.
Using what they’ve learned in their combined 50-years of experience training yoga teachers, they’ve created a unique online + in-person course that’s exclusively available through Teacher Training programs: YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals.
How does it work?
You’ll join Amy & Leslie at home via your computer for 20-hours of guided lesson content, reflection, personal exploration, and teaching preparation.
They’ll lead you through movement experiments that will help you apply anatomy ideas to your own practice, and give you tools you’ll be able to access as a teacher. You’ll have time to soak up the material and try it out it in your own asana practice.
This means that each time we come together as a group, you’ll already have a strong foundation in that unit’s content and we’ll be able to dive even deeper into the material, rather than spend valuable group time on basic concepts and memorization.
Our group time will be spent in hands-on application. We’ll break into discussion groups, share movement exercises, and observe exactly how this information interweaves with our tradition.
By the time we’re finished, you’ll have a broad understanding of the anatomical concepts that are most important to a yoga teacher so you can begin teaching with confidence.
4. Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics – 15 hours
- Basic Yoga Philosophy and History
- Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Gunas
- Mindfulness
- Ethics of a yoga teacher
- Buddhism and yoga
- Karma and Emptiness
5. Practicum 10 hours
Each trainee must spend a minimum of 10 contact hours of practice teaching as the lead instructor. Practice teaching does not include assisting, observing or giving feedback.
Topics in this category could include, but would not be limited to:
- Practice teaching
- Receiving and giving feedback
- Observing others teaching
- Assisting students while someone else is teaching
Guest Teachers
- Mark Joseph
- Sanjay Mithal
- Malcolm Nair
And many more…
You will be required to complete all the assignments, book reports, as well as attend all lectures and workshops, and complete 100 hours of practical yoga in order to qualify for the certification. If you miss a lecture it is up to you to get the material from fellow students.
After the successful completion of this yoga teacher training course you can:
– teach a group yoga class at a fitness gym, Corporate company or yoga studio
– teach a private yoga class
– give pregnancy and injury adjustments
– put together a creative sequence and teach with confidence
– potentially teach at Earth Yoga Studio
– register with Yoga Alliance
This is comprehensive yoga education that exceeds the requirements of the Yoga Alliance’s 200 hour certification. This yoga teacher training is lead by Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200), Izelle Nair.
Pay before 30 November 2016 and pay only R17 000. Full course fee is R20 000 and payment options are available. Full payment is required by 23 February 2017. Deposit of R6 000 secures your space. Deposit is due by 15 February 2017. Please note no refunds.
More questions? Contact Izelle or Apply today!