Weekend Workshops with Izelle
November 16, 2017
Begin Yoga Workshop
December 6, 2017Join us for a Dharma Yoga Workshop on 4 February to experience this graceful yet challenging form of yoga, as developed by Sri Dharma Mittra. We are thrilled to host international Yoga teacher Katharina Hust on her first trip to South Africa.
Yogis will be encouraged to push their boundaries and experience thhe practice as an active meditation. Working with vinyasa and challenging static asana, the practice finishes with deep relaxation, pranayama and mediation to bring the awareness further within and guide us toward the Real Self deep in our hearts. From this place, we acknowledge the sameness of all, the unity in the diversity and that “all is within” as Sri Dharma Mittra says.
Date: Sunday 4 February 2018 @ 09:30
Duration: 2.5 hours
Cost: R580 Normal price; Early bird prices R480 up until 4 Jan
Book: please e-mail earthyogasa@gmail.com and confirm booking with payment to:
Account name: Earth Yoga (Pty) Ltd
Account Number: 62427672747
Bank: FNB Cheque Account
Branch: 250 655
More about Dharma Yoga:
The Dharma Yoga Center (www.dharmayogacenter.com) was founded by Sri Dharma Mittra in 1975 and was one of the first yoga studios in New York City. Dharma Yoga is a system of classical Hatha-Raja Yoga. A devotional practice that emphasizes good health, a clear mind and a kind heart. The method weaves together many teachings in order to bring all students closer to the goal of Self-realization and gaining absolute knowledge of the True Self is reflected in all aspects of the Dharma Yoga system. This lineage has roots in all nine forms of yoga, as well as a focus on Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga with great emphasis placed on Yama and Niyama.