February Special Offer
February 5, 2014
Vinyasa Yoga 200 hour Teacher Training
March 9, 2014We know that yoga is good for us, and that it will make us feel better. Yet, sometimes, it’s like we have to drag our feet to our mat, or we just don’t show up at all.
What is preventing us from doing our practice? Why do we choose to watch that TV show instead of doing something more positive for our future selves? Why do we boycott ourselves?
Give it Time
A regular practice is something that happens over time. I recommend beginners to start with 3 classes a week, and then gradually build up to a daily practice. If you push yourself too much in the beginning you will feel overwhelmed and don’t feel like practicing. Let your practice become a habit, then a lifestyle, then it will become part of who you are. Remember that yoga is a practice. We are not perfecting poses.
Be Kind to Yourself
Don’t kick yourself if you miss a practice. Rather, express gratitude for those precious moments when you do get to practice. Pick up where you left off. Muscle memory will help you get back into it quickly.
Be on your Mat
Really use this time to let go of all other things. I am often busy with a task, and then I’ll think how much I would like to do yoga. When I do yoga, I think of the other things I have to do!? Be in the moment, be on your mat, savor every second.
Dedicate Time
So often I hear: ‘I don’t have time’. Time is relevant. You choose what you do with your time. Choose a time slot and stick to it. Stop telling yourself that you are too tired. If you practice, you will feel recharged and energized. Get up an hour earlier and do your practice, watch how much more energy you have. It’s like saying I don’t want to bath because I’m too dirty…
If you have a burning desire, a clear intention of your reason to practice you are more likely to stick with it. Choose something that is higher than the small self; choose something more profound. Remembering your intention when practicing a difficult pose will help you get through it. I practice yoga because it brings more peace to my mind, to my life, and this has a ripple effect on all beings and things I come in contact with.
The Ego
Every time we do our practice we see glimpses of our True Selves. Moments of complete surrender. Moments of joy, peace and love. Our small selves, or ego mind, does not want to be observed and will think of reasons not to practice. Realize that these are only thoughts, and not the truth. You know you will feel better when you practice. Unroll your mat and just do it. Once you are on your mat the hard part is over.
The only thing that limits us is our minds. Don’t believe those thoughts that say you can’t do a pose. Keep on practicing. Plant seeds. In time those seeds will grow and before you know it you have mastered that project pose. Make sure you can do the basic poses well before moving on to the big stuff. Take your time to get there. Let your practice evolve.