Acro Yoga Playshop with Lois and Ben
May 24, 2015
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training February 2016
June 8, 2015According to Yogic tradition, everyone has seven energy centers that serve as junction points between the body and consciousness, or between matter and the mind. These spinning vortices, called Chakras in Sanskrit, receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy. When the flow of energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, we may develop physical and mental illnesses.
The chakras are levels of perception and can be used for radical healing and real, lasting transformation. Deep routed emotional, physical and karmic difficulties can be overcome and positive changes in perception realised.
Drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the modern techniques of Sarah’s teachers, Sharon Gannon and David Life, coupled with a combination of asana, mantra and visualisation, you’ll be led on a journey of healing as we seek to balance each of the chakras as a way to achieve real and lasting change.
When: Saturday 20 June 2015
Time: From 12pm
Fee: R250
Book: Please book with izelle@earthyogastudio.co.za
More about Sarah Bentz
Sarah Bentz is the Director of Living Yoga in Craighall Park Johannesburg, (South Africa’s only affiliate Jivamukti Yoga studio) and a 300-hour, Certified Jivamukti teacher. In 2008, after 5 years of practicing yoga, she left a career in the South African film industry to dedicate her life to teaching and practicing yoga – her true calling. Yoga has had and continues to have such a profoundly positive impact on her own life that she wants to share what she has experienced with as many others as she can.
She draws on ancient yogic texts like the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras and her own experiences of Yoga, Buddhism, Vipassana meditation, love of music, dance and life in general to teach mentally and physically uplifting and challenging classes. She continues to study and practice so she can continue to give genuine and authentic teachings.
She is eternally grateful to her beloved teachers Sharon Gannon, David Life and Jeffrey Cohen for inspiring her along this path to liberation though compassion for all beings. She is also deeply indebted to Cherryl Duncan for her invaluable teachings, her love, support and guidance and for introducing her to Jivamukti Yoga. If there is anything of any value in Sarah’s classes, it is because of the gifts she has received from these beautiful teachers.