Breathwork Workshop
January 5, 2018
Acro Yoga Social
February 5, 2018During this workshop learn what Mindfulness is and how to use it to combat daily stress and trauma.
Mindfulness was brought from the East by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 1980’s. Recent studies have shown the huge improvement a daily meditation can have and popularized the practice in the West.
Benefits of a daily practice:
- protection against depression,
- decrease anxiety and stress,
- improve patience,
- improve focus,
- better memory,
- better immune function,
- a healthier heart
Learn different Mindfulness and meditation techniques. Tools will be provided to get you started with a daily practice. Five minutes a day will make a big difference.
Date: Saturday 3 February 2018 @ 12:00
Duration: 2.5 hours
Cost: R250
Book: please e-mail earthyogasa@gmail.com
About Ferdinand:
Ferdi qualified as a Mindfulness and Meditation teacher late 2016 and has been teaching at yoga studios, Wellness Days and events. He recently received his 200 hours of Meditation certificate under the study of
Coming from a logistics background, he worked very long shifts with high stress levels. After ending Ten year of anti-depressant medicine, he realised that medicine can’t fix him, nothing is a quick fix, but the way in which we manage our stress and how we take care of ourselves.
Ferdi is dedicated in helping people and facilitating the process in reclaiming their wellbeing.