Important Announcement!!!
March 18, 2020
Free Friday Acro Yoga
April 14, 2020Taking your online yoga class is just a few clicks away!
Start by clicking on the class you want to take here (click on book class).
Allocate your credit or purchase a class card:
Once you booked for the class, click on the BROADCAST LINK button:
If you are watching from your PC, click on the browser link, if you are watching from your mobile device get the Zoom app:
The link will take you to the meeting room:
Please place your mat parallel to your camera, about 2 – 3 meters away if you want the teacher to still see you and adjust and assist verbally. If the teacher can view you from the side we have a better view, rather than facing the camera straight on.
You can keep your screen blank if you don’t want the teacher to see you.
Arrive earlier so that you can have a chat with your community. You will be sent a link for you to download the video afterwards.
Video instruction coming soon!
See you online!