One night in Bali – Yoga Party
November 21, 2014
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training April 2015
November 21, 2014New to yoga? Not sure what yoga is or what to expect? Feel a bit intimidated by the poses?
You’ve heard so much about yoga and it’s benefits, and would love to join a class. This is your chance! Join our 3 day course and learn the basics about yoga philosophy, asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and mantra (sacred sound).
Apply these tools to your life and take your practice off the mat. This course will supply you with the foundation to start a home practice and give you the confidence to practice at your own pace in a group class.
This is a 3 class course, spread over 3 weeks, taking place every Saturday afternoon from 12 – 2pm. Each class includes a lecture and discussion, as well as the physical practice and explanation of poses. These classes are not workshop style structured, it’s a flow style practice allowing you to apply the techniques we discussed.
31 January 2015: Pranayama and surya namaskara
- Breath work
- Basic postures
- Salute the sun
- Set your intention
7 February 2015: Meditation and forward fold sequence
- Reflection
- Dealing with the past
- Mindfulness
- What is yoga?
- Practice of forward folds with correct alignment
14 February 2015: Bhakti and opening the heart
- Mantra
- Vibration and energy
- Dealing with fear
- Practice backbends safely
- Introduction to Inversions
Investment: R700
- Course material: Includes notes of the lecture and instruction of poses we discuss and practice
- Mala beads
- Incense