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    Terms and Conditions

    In consideration of Earth Yoga Studio undertaking to provide Yogic and other related instruction and advice to me, I hereby understand, confirm and agree that I will practice Yoga at my own risk. I further understand, confirm and agree that at no time will I hold any of Earth Yoga Studio's teachers, or other students liable for any injuries or disturbances, which I may experience during the classes or workshops.I do further release the Earth Yoga Studio teachers and other students from any liability and from any and all claims, obligations, damages and causes of action that may arise as a result of my participation in any of their activities or programs, including, without limitation, any loss or theft of personal property.

    I hereby confirm, understand and agree that it is my responsibility to check with my doctor before I start any exercise program, including the programs offered by Earth Yoga Studio. I will inform the Earth Yoga Studio teacher regarding any medical or psychological conditions, prescriptions or any conditions regarding pregnancy before or at the beginning of any program or session. I agree to exercise reasonable and sensible caution for my well being while practicing Yoga or any other activity under the teachers of Earth Yoga Studio's supervision.

    I accept the above terms and conditions.

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